
" Parental Involvement "


"Parental involvement", can be a valuable tool.....
to determine the success, of a child in school!

When parents participate, they're showing concern....
the message to the kids, is that it's important to learn!
Parental support, can be shown many different ways.....
volunteering, serving on committees, or joining the P.T.S.A!

Attending "open House", and events like "Back to School"....
are fulfilling your role, and should become the rule!

The parent stays connected, and demonstrates respect....
encouraging words and guidance, is what the child expects!

Parents and teachers together, form a most powerful team....
When they work together, it helps the child's esteem!

So the level of "parental involvement", becomes an accurate sign....
a more important factor in education, would be most difficult to find!

Coach A

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