
FW: " Accept The Challenge "

It is a really big challenge, to run 100 miles....
but if you "accept the challenge", it will bring you smiles!
What exactly is a challenge?  Some of you might ask....
it's an interesting problem, or a stimulating task!
It's an invitation to compete, a summons to a duel....
it's an opprortunity to learn, and that's why we're in school!
A challenge is just an obstacle, but a  chance for you to grow....
when you "accept the challenge", it helps accomplish your goals!
For some it might be reading, for others it could be math....
when you "accept the challenge", you've chosen the right path!
It's how we grow-up, as we learn to problem-solve....
If you "accept the challenge", you're choosing to get involved!
At first you may be nervous, but avoidance would be wrong...
you made the right decision, you're getting smart and strong!
Coach A

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