
"Tips For Hiking"

Coach A says... To celebrate  "Earth Day", perhaps you should consider going on a hike instead of driving... read on...

 There's a lot of good exercises, such as jogging or biking...
But listen closely, to some Tips For Hiking!
Hiking is really fun, so plan from the start...
and following these tips, would be really smart.
It's best to go hiking, early in the morning...
the afternoon gets too hot, just giving you a warning!
So put on some sunscreen, and remember a hat...
Drink plenty of water, and don't forget a map!
Nature is so beautiful, the foilage so frail...
Avoid the poison oak, and stay on the trail!
Watchout for snakes, and wear good shoes...
Nothing like a blister, to usher in the blues!
Make certain they allow dogs, some won't let 'em in...
If that is the case, than ask another friend!
Staying in good shape, should be to your liking...
Hope you're more comfy, with these Tips For Hiking!
Coach A

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